"We have three of Jan's prints hanging in our living areas. They are colorful, evocative and always draw comments from visitors. We are super-satisfied customers and would heartily recommend her work to others." - David Nolan, Washington DC
'Pride of place in my living room!' - Jo Edgecombe
"We have the lady with red hair in our dining room - love the art!" - Jim and Helen King
"Fantastic artwork - so unique! will be buying more" - Craig Hughes
''Love your work - so vital and cheerful!" - Debbie Conyers
"Wonderful work!" - Darren Kelly
"Love, love, love your pictures. So happy to meet you today and buy 4 of your beautiful prints." - Claire Dawes
"Beautiful work, a welcome addition to our home - Zoe and Dawn"
"Really nice art - I liked the local feel to them"
“Jan - Great to see Birmingham in such a pleasing art form. Well done. Book going to Afghanistan”
"Beautiful images, colours so alive, meeting the artist added bonus' - Sue Selsby
"always such beautiful pictures of much loved landmarks" - Linda Gresham
"Your artwork is lovely. Different but traditional!" - John Drewett
"two brilliant prints in our dining room where everyone admires them!" - Maggie Lyne
"Love the art - have done for a while - have Bullring and Spaghetti Junction in my house. Get many comments about them" - Liz Shaw
"The only lady to make Birmingham look beautiful! Give the book to any visitors!"
"Love your paintings!" - K Turner-Brown
"Wonderful pictures!" - Susanne Dyke
"Bought 3!!! Love them thanks"
"loved your work - and the bag!"
"Jan: Your art rocks my world! - Helen"
'Your work is on my walls at home. they make my house a better place to live. Thank you so much for the lovely Art. Best wishes Marc"